Saturday, March 25, 2006

Race Day, Classes, and More Australian Fauna...

Today, the Rotary Club of Mundingburra had "Race Day," a fund-raising event held at the Townsville Turf Club:
This is a lush racing place:
Because it's summer time still, it's kind of empty:
Rotary had allocated the room for us in this building:
Obviously the Mundigburra Club is a sponsor:

Inside, everyone was having a merry time:

Good friends Janet and Fred were enjoying the prawns:

The races were on. Note that they race around the track clockwise and on grass (Mount Stewart in the background):

It's a family event.

And that's the races. On the way to the last day of class:

Marcia always does the dirty work in the School of Public Health's Kitchen. She supplies yummy cookies, too:

Because of the cyclone the class was kind of empty:

I am the youngest one in the class and also the only one who has never had a job before! Note the classroom is a funky green colour, which is actually quite nice...

The last day presentations captured the audience's attention!!?:

Professors Rick Speare (MD, DVM, PhD) and Adrian Miller decide our grades:

My group was Fiona (Scotland), Margaret (NSW), Kristy (AUS), and others that were not here. We did a presentation on skin cancer, hence the funny dress:

Now for some more fauna. If you look up into the trees,

You might see one of these giant black cockatoos (they make that aweful screeching noise that you may have heard as a dinosaur on Jurassic Park):

And, in Rotary, late at night, the RIH oppossum climbs into his box:


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